Business Consulting

"Starting" a new business is very important. It will be very help full if you have someone reliable and knowledgeable on your side when making critical decisions. That will reduce your work load and will pave strong bases for the long term benefits of your company.

Our services start from initial business planning to clarify your marketing, management, and financial plans.

Select a business structure that best fits your needs by evaluating tax advantages, legal exposure, ease of operation and portability should you need to relocate.

Evaluate and quantify your borrowing power so you know how much money you can get, if needed. Unplanned cash requirements are always emotionally painful.

Establish billing and collection procedures to maximize your cash flow.

Establish procedures to monitor and control costs.

Prepare and file all required State and Central licenses and permits.

Employee Education

Resolve banking issues

Identifying and finalizing business location/ place.

Taxation/Payroll services clients.